Day 3: Feeling better with our new lifestyle!

Day 3: Feeling better with our new lifestyle!

July 3rd:

Today is PIZZA DAY!!! As it is the last day of the week (tomorrow is Independence Day, so there won’t be  any camp), we are having this excellent menu for lunch.

¡Hoy es EL DÍA DE LA PIZZA! Como es el último día de la semana (mañana es el día de la independencia, así que no habrá campamento), estamos tomando este excelente menú para comer.

Now, after lunch, the CITs are taking a masterclass about body language and advertising. It is so cool!!! Everybody is participating and we are having such a fun time.

Ahora, después de comer, los CITs están en una masterclass sobre el lenguaje corporal y la publicidad. ¡Mola mucho! Todo el mundo está participando y lo estamos pasando super bien.

We are so crazy, and if I say “we”, it’s because EVERYBODY is completely crazy.

Estamos tarados, y si digo “estamos”, es porque TODOS estamos muy majaras.

They made an activity in which they had to sell a product, like if they were on TV. I recorded them and that’s what happened:

(the video has bad quality because if not it can’t be uploaded)

Today we are very busy OMG, we are finishing our day doing ICE SKATING. Margo and Miguel took many many pictures, like these ones:

Hoy estamos muy atareados Dios mío, estamos acabando el día haciendo PATINAJE SOBRE HIELO. Margo y Miguel han hecho muchas fotos, como estas:

This weekend everybody is going to stay with their host family, so i’ll post the pictures on Monday.


Este fin de semana todos van a estar con su familia, así que subiré las fotos el lunes.


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