Day 23: Stew Leonard’s and Danbury mall.

Day 23: Stew Leonard’s and Danbury mall.

Wednesday, July 23rd

Two days before leaving USA. Today we spent the morning at Stew Leonard’s, a famous sumermarket well known because of its policy with clients. We took a tour a learnt how do they sell their products.

After that, we did what most of the people wanted to do: SHOPPING at the mall.

Después de eso, hemos hecho lo que mucha gente quería hacer: Ir de compras al centro comercial.

I take for granted that everybody loved it, and I don’t know if they will come back to Spain with any money…

Doy por hecho que a todo el mundo le ha encantado, y no tengo claro si volverán a España con algo de dinero…

But with any doubt, these were the 2 best moments in the day… One month later we’ve made new friends and we’ve lived new lives, and it’s for sure we won’t forget the people we’ve met.

Pero sin duda, estos han sido los 2 mejores momentos del día… Un mes después hemos hecho nuevos amigos y hemos vivido nuevas vidas, y seguro que no olvidaremos a aquellas personas que hemos conocido aquí, en Bethel.

2.- “Calcetines mortíferos”.  Spanish students don’t have hostbrothers anymore. Now they have real brothers.

1.- The cutest boy in Bethel, Pablo’s little brother.

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